This is a list of running services/patches for iOS 6 (some support iOS 5, but all services here support iOS 6). If I have forgotten a service, please DM me on Discord.
You will need to get the Certificates: “DigiCert Global Root CA G2” and “DigiCert Global Root CA G3” from
Next you need to install the app called iFile, navigate to the directory: “/var/mobile/Library/Preferences
and look for anything folder that has anything to do with “purplebuddy
”, “gamecenter
”, and “gamed
delete the files or move them after, next go to the directory: “/var/mobile/Library/Caches
” and delete “purplebuddy
after you deleted/moved those files, you need to either reboot or respring, then go through the setup screen like normal.
once you get to the Apple ID screen, make sure you sign in correctly since you have the Certificates.
(From fifiisntawesum
in bag.xml’s Discord server.)
Install the Vine app from This is NOT the same as bag.xml’s planned VineX, as VineX is a read-only archive while UVR is a new social platform that functions similar to Vine, like RetroGram by Savefade. You will need to make an account at
Grab the IPA from This is not an Instagram patcher, but rather a new social platform.
This recreates Twitter API V1 good enough for the twitter clients to work.
Test/Beta API URL:
(this does also work with android and other platforms than just iOS, most commonly requires patches, there’s a patched android for test in there)
Primary IPA:
(tested on ios 4-6 so far)
Other twitter versions can be found here:
Source code can be found here:
for both urls (you can make it http if on ios 3)enjoy ❤️!
(taken from bag.xml’s Discord server)
Install the app from You will need a valid Telegram account from the official website before use.
Install the app from You will need your Discord token to use.
(Instructions from here.)
Open in Safari
This is a little buggy at the moment, and does not work on all devices.
Install the Tumblr app version 3.4.3 from Veteris, then install Tumblere from
Install the IPA from here, and pair it with your Spotify account. It is a bit buggy, but the developer is starting to develop the project again.
Install the patched IPA from here (top one), and install AB Media Fixer from for better browsing experience.
Install the YouTube app version 1.1.0 or 2.0.0 here, and install the tweak TubeRepair from